The Danhood Podcast

Fitting In & Pulling Out | Eddie Fresco

August 21, 2022 Daniel Xuereb Season 1 Episode 8

00:00:00 Intro
00:06:44 What makes Eddie Fresco Different?
00:11:48 Tattoos Pain & Public Perception
00:20:22 The Stigma of Speaking English in Malta
00:24:24 John Mallia, No Bling Show, Lapes, and Maltese Rap
00:28:25 The Language Divide in Malta
00:31:55 Every Comedian wants to be a Rapper and every Rapper wants to be a Comedian
00:37:26 Hawn tad-Doughnuts
00:37:57 I Can't Wait to Get Cancelled, Racebending, and the Chilling Effect of Cancel Culture
00:46:02 Andrew Tate & Sneako Blowing Up
00:51:56 The Problem with the Redpill Movement Focusing on Looks, Money, and Status
01:00:57 Eddie Fresco's Best Bars, Real Name, and Preferred Mode of Birth Control
01:09:46 Why Eddie Fresco Started to Make Music
01:10:43 Become Successful with Women and the Limits of that Success
01:21:53 Tinder in Malta
01:22:58 Having Eight Girlfriends
01:29:57 Dwarfs, Fisting, and Sexual Culture in Czechia
01:39:10 Never Punch a Groupie in the Face
01:43:23 Eddie Fresco Tries to Guess Dan's Favourite Rap Lyrics
01:49:29 Build Your Perfect Woman
01:56:11 She Won't Stick Around if All you've got is Money
02:00:55 Tried to Let Her Go, But the Hoe like a Frisbee
02:04:39 Crab meat Got My Ass Looking Healthy
02:06:57 Fuck her like a Dog but she calls me the Goat


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One of your songs is called Beat It Up Slash put Out. Is that your preferred mode of birth control? I'm not going to lie. Yes. I'm not going to lie. I have an issue. Yeah, I have. And I need to start. Okay. I'll give you a couple condoms. Are you. I just. With a hundred? I'm very good about the people who come to the box. You should read them. Just the first girl. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. That's. I'm really because of your music. I was telling you before and fucking well done for the success. Like 275,000 small business. And yeah, like, it's pretty much exponential at this point. I mean, it took you how long it takes you to get to 100,000, which was like a month or two ago. It's been it's been really weird, to be honest with you. Like, I think I was about 50,000 monthly listeners about, I don't know, two months ago. Three months ago. Crazy. I don't know what started to happen. And honestly, like it, it was it. Was a tick tock maybe. I don't think so. But because, like, the way it happened was so weird. It came out of nowhere, basically. I was stuck. I think I've been making music for five years. Mm hmm. So I think the first two years, I was stuck at, like, 20,000. Second year and a half. Two years I was stuck at 50. And then. So you spent a year in the office, 50. Years of surface use of maybe go out from like 50 to 70 or 80 or 75, but always stayed over the last year. And then all of a sudden, I don't know, I don't know what really happened. It was like all of a sudden I got to 100,000. Like one song started picking up. I saw my like is on Spotify shows you how many listens you have as a going on at the same time. Yes. And at first I was to get like, I don't know, 30, 40. And then one day I saw it going up to 50 and I got excited by it. Of course. And then after 50 hours, I'll go to 60, 70, and just week after week. And to me, I'm like the type of person where Spotify is really weird because like in the music industry, it's, I know a lot of artists myself that like have 500,000 monthly listeners, but no one knows about them. You know, it's just Spotify pushing their music because the algorithm likes. Right, right, right. Alright. Alright. But it's not necessarily music which is like, I don't know, and maybe the people don't really care enough to go see who made the song. They like the song so Spotify just keeps pushing. Yeah. So I know plenty of artists which have like crazy monthly listeners, but no one knows who they are. So for me, when it was going up and I didn't see my Instagram go, I didn't see nothing. I was going, Oh, is that okay? Cool. Like, this is just an algorithm, spike, nothing else. Okay. And it got to 100,000. I'm like, cause just an algorithm spike and it got through 100. OC The algorithm. And it just kept going up to like 325,000. That. Always. Go. And then it all this time I'm like happy, you know, I saw 200 people listening to my music at the same time, one fifth. It was a good feeling, but for me it was always like, okay, when is this going to start going down? Like, I cannot maintain this. Like was going up and it went down to 250 and I was going back up. So I guess it's standing. Let's hope it keeps going to the moon. But again, I was telling you before, but I had listened to a couple of your songs before and they like I like them, but I never like giving you a deep, deep dove. And now I did like to prepare for this podcast and I really, really like your music. And you can see there's a clear like progression. Like over time and like your last albums. My favorite one times the Easy, Easy. I feel like me as an artist is I love them so much. Like I hate my music, you know, like the old, the sad. I was the poster actually. I don't like. Everything I've ever made. And I think is because you see progress. So when you start seeing progress, then you know, the old stuff is only there to remind you how far you can't exactly. But apart from that. You can see it. You can see it like like micro-scale on my on my tik-tok you can see like each episode is like bands and each band you see. The viewers increasing. You know? And I don't even think it's only about the viewers sometimes. Like it's also you realize them. Because I'll be honest with you, bro, like one of my biggest songs was released in fucking 2018. You know which one is called Sega? It's a Sega. Oh, that was the 2018 year it was released. That's like, oh, shit, 3.5. We assume that as well. And like a month ago it was a million. Yeah, yeah. It's going up like stupid in, I don't know, like 15,000 streams a day. I think it was released 2018. I hate that song. I hate this. And it's always. At the top of my Spotify. So when people see my my new music and then they want to go see my, it's like, what are the music I have? That's the next representation of yours I feel like I don't like. But is this. You know, that that's actually the really good point because when I was like looking up your music, that was like their top songs were the first ones I looked and I was like, okay, this is just pretty good. But then when I dove into the albums and they're like. These are way better. Exactly. And that's what I mean with the Spotify algorithm like. So I'm I'm happy. How can I. Of course. Of course. I'm glad that some of my music managed to get to places on it so they could get in a million plays on their songs or something. You know, when you stop, you always hope to get it. So I'm happy that this music is moving on its own and at the end of the day, it pays me as well, you know? So it's I'm I'm happy for the finances side of things, too, but artistry wise, I don't like the fact that. Like that's that's the peak release out. That I'm like, yes, like this is this is. Peak me at. The moment. And someone is like, listen to it and they enjoy it. They go back to my old music and they're like. This is the rest, you know? So please listen to the albums instead of. What is your fault? I can, I can assure you. The newer stuff is much better. But the audio is. Not bad either. But. But alright, I want to ask like what do you think. Is. Like because okay now especially for a multi artist like you're doing quite well. Yeah. Like so what do you think is appealing to people about your music or about you like what's, what's your like in business terms? You'd say like what's your competitive advantage? Good. So it's a really good question. By the way, I feel like I'll be honest with you. Like nowadays when I listen to my music nowadays, I think I'm, I think I'm great as an artist. And like, I think I've gotten to the point where I understand who I am as an artist. I'm at a point where I know my sound, I know how I want to sound. I can also know how to still use steps to make, you know. But I feel like I know myself now when we started making music videos and I mean the whole reason for starting to make music was because we felt like there was a lack of quality, if that's the way to say, like music videos weren't taken seriously, I think music production wasn't taken seriously just in general. There was a lack of professional professionalism. If that's even. Though you're. Saying we're doing five collectively, which actually is just a slight, I know that that's fucking song feel about the feel of I love that song that's in my playlist. Anyways. But yeah, like when we started making music, the whole reason for our style was we felt like there was a lack of quality when compared to foreign countries as much as we always compare us of the foreign something, we come out of work and I guess just the general, I don't know, like I feel like you either now or you don't. And I feel like you probably have this as well. You know, you either understand standard and esthetic and. I know what you mean. We do understand it or you don't. And I feel like that's what we had. I feel like we understood what the sound was supposed to sound like. You understood visually what it was supposed to look like. I look back on our videos nowadays. I hate them. I think they look stupid. But back then we felt like we were doing something new. I guess as an artist I guess is a bit different though. What I think makes me special. Yeah. What. What do you think makes you special? So it's almost like and again, like this is not to sound big headed known. No, but I mean, it's the question in and of itself. It kind of lends to something bigger than that. I think. I think one like it was speaking about me nowadays. One, I have great music too. I think there is also that wow factor of when compared to other artists and this is no safe to nobody. There are plenty of more of these artists that I respect, them that I listen to and that I speak with. But compared to most, I would say there's also that wow factor of like, there's something I always get like, are you even Marti's? Like, are you even from here? Like how, like what's going on? And I think it's because of the way I speak in my English as well. That's one. And also the type of music that I make is not really what other people are making. So one, I think so the gap in the market, which no one else was doing when we started making music, I also think my parents had something to do with it maybe, and this was not intentional. Of course I love tattoos. I was a rapper and I'd still be covered, you know, I need a lot more. There's going to be a lot more going of. But also the thing that that maybe gave I gives them a younger audience this I don't know I was speaking with my friend Khalil yesterday about this. And I feel like me personally, when I tap into certain tonight is the reason why I fall in love with them is because of the image. Firstly, most of the time I'm a very visual person and as soon as I see someone's image and I see how they move, how they act, you sort of want to live vicariously through them. Vicariously through me, or that whatever that would. That's what like you're the what was the word I was was the vicarious like that was the but I totally I can. Totally relate like a lot of people, you just look at them and they have an aura. They have like a vibe, you know, it's like you. Listen to their music, you kind of feel like you're them. That's the only. It. Yes. There's the saying connection where like if you're not listening to their specific music, you don't feel the specific mood. And I feel like nowadays that's something which most definitely my audience most probably taps into is like, maybe if you're 16 and your mum doesn't allow you to get tattoos or you'll get thrown out the house and you. Go on a. You're getting used to have rules to follow. And then you look at this guy who is tattooed on his face and I can't you as it wasn't like such a. You know, I mean, I. Stood like the neck tattoo, the head that was the face that was destined like the hand, even the hand that does it still that sort of next. Yeah. I never see me personally because. I don't care. I have friends, which I swear like you had no space, no space for more tattoos face. Every time I've spent a bit of time and tattoo shops, I mean I've, I've seen a couple of these. You look at them and you never notice the tattoos. Maybe it's the first week, you know, that's it, you know. But afterwards you just get so conditioned to it. I can. So knowing what to do afterwards. So, but yeah, I guess my talent, the way I look and the music I make is a combination. You know why. I like, I guess. Yeah, I know. That part of it is also that kind of big fish. Small pond. Yeah. Scenario as well. Exactly. I think maybe people understand what I'm trying to go for. I think. Yes, I think that's a very good point that you made. I think when people listen to my music, they realize what I'm aiming for. When people listen to my music, they know I'm not just gonna be pop and here. Martha And that's it. That's global. Ambitions. It's not just. So I. Think me being crazy enough to think that I'm the one that is going to do this out of this country. Maybe it checks people to see what what the hell this guy is doing. There's there's this weird thing that actually I was I was just yesterday. I was there was a study basically where people were given an ice cream and they were told, this is this is half the people are told this is a low calorie ice cream. Have to be were told it's a high calorie ice cream. It was them ice. Okay. But then they measured a bunch of their like they took bloodwork and they measured the bunch of their responses. The ones that were told was a low calorie, low calorie ice cream later had a larger ghrelin response. Ghrelin is what makes you feel hungry. Okay. So your brain. What you believe, changes how you feel, changes how you move, how you act, and people respond to that as well. People pick up on that shit. Like if you act like you're going to make it, you may not make it, but. It's going to give you the best. Chance of making it. If you don't believe it, it's going to. Happen. And it's also this thing was like the add on to what you're saying. I think it's always great to aim to be as big as possible. It's like, let's say you aim to get to a million, but you never get to that goal and you get to 500,000. If you aim for 500,000, you would have probably got to 250. And for the stars, maybe you had the moon. Exactly. So it's like it gets to a point where I think, of course, you need to have some sort of delusion to actually think you're going to get the. No, but but it's only delusion until you make it until it happens. Exactly, exactly. Exactly. But yeah. So, so you mentioned you mentioned your your tattoos. I know that this one is your favorite one, right? 100. Percent. Yeah. But which one would do you get the most comments about? Funnily enough, I think the one in the back of my head. Okay. Oh. It basically. Is. Yeah. I like and I don't know why people look at that more interesting than the movie. They're looking at your ass and then they. Go, Oh, I don't know. It's usually I would think that most of the people would talk about the one look, but usually this is how the conversation goes, like, yo, the tattoo on the back of your head is like, Cool, this shit, you know? And they're like, That probably hurt. And I'm like, Yeah, I like off guard. Is that the one that hurt the most? I think so. It's weird to me because this I had to do like the pain was almost borderline. And so yeah, cause I can imagine on the on the. The Adam's apple and. The, the collarbones like it doesn't touch much. Okay, so, so and over the heads. Of that. It was horrible and it was so bad I had to cut it in, in three sessions so that was like four and a half hours. 3 hours. It's a pretty. Big tattoo as well. Yeah, but the one in the back of my head, that was 7 hours straight, one session. Off. And the black working that you saw solid black. Oh. So to me, I remember the pain of the back one being a lot worse than this one. But at the same time, this was so painful. I had to cut it up in sessions, so I don't really know which one was most. Maybe you gritted your teeth a bit harder for the black one, but. I'm telling you, I was going to pass. Out because you can imagine. I mean, this is this one weirdly was really painful. I it's a lot of black work boots. And and for some reason, you have a lot of nerve endings here. People don't realize, like the. Scale to get like my rib cage. I have, I have a bit there but do not know that. But although I have I have I have this. Okay, but the black the. Worst part about this tattoo, the worst part about the statue is that I had to spend two and a half hours. With positioning this fuck the fuck. Within actually the needle going in and heard that. But now. That I'm so scared of my kids, so scared of. My when you go lower apparently I have the. Words Ibo. Oh you have on the side. I swear I like shout out to the tattoo artist that did the tattoo for me but I don't know if it was because like is just tattoo style that yeah what it was both but I felt like my leg was getting cut off like me cut off. You know. So these, these tattoos are a different style to the rest I have. And they're very like thin lines. They're really remarkable. Not from the sleeve, but in a in a really original way. Yeah, I've seen that done like that. Really? Yeah. It's something different to I think since there is so much negative space like the white spaces. Yeah. Yeah. It look like a sleeve but separate at the same time. Yeah. That's, that's exactly what I wanted basically. In fact I did each be separately and then she like filled in a little bit of background and stuff and that's exactly what I'm going to do with this design. Basically, I've. Been in notice how good that was. But the the thin lines hurt so much less really. But it's so much better still looks so. I remember like I remember googling like how bad the skull hurts and people are saying. Let's. Do that. So I go to and I start my tattoo and my tattoo artist is doing the lines for me and everything and he's doing the outlines now. Now, look, it's like, okay, like it hurts a bit on the sides, but this is okay. Like, I thought this was going to be so much worse. I think. That the. Outline is just. When it got sort of. Broke, once you start to put it in because the skin is already raw from the outline and then they're they literally, you know, people people just listening, they're literally it's as if you're you're getting your hair and then just kind of filling in an empty space with a fucking needle in your skin. It's brutal. And it's it's a small needle. So it's so much space to cover up, like to be shade. In the black. And a solid black. There's no shading because you know what? You know what I find really, really painful as well when they. Wipe it for the worst thing to do during. A tattoo is to stop getting tattooed. Or if you take a 30 minute break and you get back to it, you done especially you. Got it done. Well, especially if. It's a long session. Like if it's a two hour tattoo, you can take a 30 minute break. But if it's six and you take you take a break after those 4 hours. But yeah. I think my longest one was, was the chick. Yeah. She was like 5 hours I think. I thought. Well, okay, like I want to see something else because you touched the one before you said about your your accent like people think you're foreign and so like have you because I mean you're multi speaking though like normally yes have you though ever felt like when you're speaking English that people judge you or. Yeah, like what's what's that experience been like and more because there's definitely this language the way that people don't really speak about at all. Like to me, the one I don't do like the the first things first is I don't care. And that's the reason why I speak to say it's like one, the reason why I speak this way and I feel like I don't even need to explain the 99% of the people who listen to music or who understand what I'm trying to do. But if you really expecting to make music in English and speak in a Marti's English. Accent. And you expect me to get anywhere with that. Is it because this is this is no. Idea what to say. But what I'm saying. I think I get to saying but but, um, because, okay, I'm very musically, I love hip hop, I love music, but I am a musical irritated essentially. And so does is there something. Maybe about the Maltese accent. That that just is. Esthetically not pleasurable? That is like in when it's being sung or because. Because it sounds it. Sounds annoying to me, but maybe it's just our perceptions as Maltese people. I don't know what it is. Maybe, maybe you have a bit more insight. So it's a very good question, by the way. I think one so for example, like the way me and you speak English are very different. Yes. But I feel like the way you speak English for a podcast format works because it's the way you speak your English doesn't necessarily hinder from the conversation. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. While I feel like the and that's the main focus of of a podcast, right. I think is the conversations being that. Exactly. While I feel like with regards to music, especially nowadays in the light of what I'm trying to do, in the vein of everything that I'm doing, music is 30% of 40% of what you're doing. It doesn't mean you need to have bad music and still make it. It's not that. But I think on top of having good music, the 35%, which is that 30, 40%, it's 70%. Just like I said, living like use the if that's the word. Vicariously. Okay is the through the artist so yeah and I think it expands into other things as well. So one, I think that as soon as I'm or this person listens to another Maltese artist and they have the acts and I feel like one, they already don't take them seriously because we've never had an artist blow up in any other country which sounded Marti's wish that anything sounded Maltese. So I think that is some sort of which asset. But those sort of some in a hatred from ourselves as artists. When we hear ourselves, you get what I'm saying. Yes, yeah. Said we're always comparing ourselves to other countries. We're always growing up. You're always being comparing yourself to other countries. At least that's what it was like for me. I remember being like nine years old and making Bionicle videos on my foot, on my dad's for love. Bionic. All my life. But I remember doing that and I remember watching foreign people do it. It was never like, This is something that I realized. Then check a lot of people and check. Make music and check. But it's because it's respected. People listen to music. And although we don't, it is sad to say, but we don't have music culture. We just don't. Maybe, yeah. Maybe older generations. Some there. Are there are some that are very good like John Marley with with sort of the was a savage due to some of his music was amazing. But respect like I can't. Remember what was the band called. No bling. No bling show that's a that's a list yeah that that one song some of the ology. Oh, my God beautiful. But amazing amazing. Truly I think I think Maltese rap is as beautiful as. And La Paz is really good. I think, of course, for me it also taps into certain things about me wanting to make it bigger than Marta because I think Maltese rap is beautiful. I think Maltese art is beautiful. I think our language is amazing. But at the same time, me growing up, I always wanted to reach a foreign audience and I just know I can do it with. And there's a hard cap rate of more than 500,000 people and those 500,000 people, a lot of them don't speak Maltese. There's a lot of foreigners. And if they. Do. Maybe they're not interested in what you what you're doing, like, it's such a tiny, tiny market. As soon as you speak English, your market grows exponentially. And there's also another thing actually I was listening to, I think it was Idris Elba actually talking about UK rap and he said at the beginning all the UK rappers were sounding like Americans and then a couple of them made it. They sort of developed the scene and then that allowed for the the sort of natural UK rap to sort of grow from that. So it takes, I think it yet it takes that first couple of people. To do the best. Version of what everyone else is doing so that then the new people can come and create the authentic Maltese stuff. Right. I think this is why I've been starting to add like Maltese elements to my music as well. Now recently is because I. Don't touch me. It's like I love. I love Malta, I love our language, I like everything. But I feel like I'm just again, like I'm not the sound to get it, but something about accent, something about the way we speak and the beginning of my journey. I just knew that wasn't going to work. I just knew. I just know if I spoke like this, it's not going to work. And when you listen to my music, you can see the progression of how I speak my English and people act like it's the is the craziest thing in the world that I speak English like, you know, if you go to Denmark and you hear people speaking in English that go to university and everything they sound. I've been to like Copenhagen. Yeah. Everyone over there, when they speak English, they sound American. I've been to, I've met Swedish and. This is another thing. This is another thing people don't realize, especially the older generations, even people my age. That, you know. Especially with the Internet and with TV, whatever people that hear much more the American accent than the English accent, the Italian accent, before our accent was influenced by different things. The younger kids, especially kids like growing up now, like ten, 12, 13, they sound American 100% America. You're a la 20. Four, you're you grew up with. The Internet. Now you don't remember it. I am really without that shit. Maybe four, seven years old. Exactly. But you get me, it's like you grow up. And to me, my accent is literally like not the biggest dude. Like, when I'm speaking to my these people, I don't speak like this. I'm not forcing it all the time. But when I'm speaking to foreign people, this comes on. But automatically, like you or when I'm on podcast that this is how I represent myself, you know, if you don't like it, just don't listen to me at the end of the day. But I really don't get this thing, so. Stop trying to act American stuff. But this this. Language thing is more that's weird, though, like was isolated from all sides. Yes. Because I went to I went to a school where most people spoke Maltese, but they spoke English. My but my family is more de speaking. They just decided from a young age to speak to us in English just because they told us to be more important. And thank fucking God they did, because that was one of the most useful things my parents always did for me. And so I remember being straight up bullied and just judged for it and all this stuff, right? And I've definitely heard from a lot of English speaking people that kind of pressure and that societal judgment about them not speaking Maltese as good as they could or or just the fact that they speak English as a first language in general. And then I've also been around those English speaking people that judge the homily, you know, jobs that speak Maltese. Exactly. And I'm just like, who gives a fuck? Yeah, just speak whatever you want to speak to us language. Just like it's one thing. I get it. If if. It if I was Maltese and I'm maybe I'm going to sound like a hypocrite and say it is not but maybe made you understand. Yeah. If I was Maltese and I'm trying to sound English, maybe that would be weird. This is saying like from the UK. Right, right, right, right. Because I influence on YouTube television, everything we watch, everything we listen to, 99% of it is like American English. Right, right, right. So that's where you get your influence when you're growing up watching Disney Channel, you're looking at American people speaking American English. If it was me trying to sound like I'm from the UK and growing up all my life I was never a we don't have UK television, we don't you get to specifically. Look for yeah we. Had we had much more when when I was back in the day and in fact my accent has also changed over time. It has gotten much more Americanized like certain things that I say have are much more American sounding like even even just certain sayings when have entered the culture. No up so good. Whatever. You know, I remember back in the day I used to say I used to say I used to say this thing that like a lot of like English people say it, but it was when it pops in my head, I listen. Yeah, but there are certain things you go up because they're used in culture. You just start using and using them. Now, like I said to me, I grew up constantly watching American TV, constantly like everything was American. So that's going. To be you. That's what gave me the push to as well. When I was young, when I was like 13 years old, I had zero friends. All I used to do is make friends on Call of Duty Modern Warfare two. And I used to play with these foreign clans like a so from the age of 13 to like 1617. My only friends are American kids playing Modern Warfare two with me. This is how I grew up speaking. This is how I started to be comfortable to fit in with these people. So of course I don't like it exactly. But okay, speaking speaking of language. Is it okay watching? But of course. Of course. Of course. Please do. Like, in. Fact, I was just thinking. So what I once heard that said that every comedian wants to be a rapper and every rapper wants to be a comedian. Okay. Okay. And there's a lot of connections, especially with with the like top level people between comedy and rap. Like, for example, Russell Peters produced hip hop evolution, right? A bunch of a bunch of rappers are also fucking funny. Then a lot of bars are straight fire. I think the fact the the simple thing that is your your art is being on stage and entertaining people and makes it so similar to each other. That's also our main tool is our mouth is language. Right. And you can swap and you can do both that. And the food. Is so similar than you. Think. Yeah. And I think I think another thing is also, um, we're kind of on the edge of respectability, even the most famous people, right? Like even the most famous comedians. The most famous rappers, yes. They're they're invited to the red carpet and invited. But they're not the they're not the focal point, you know, they're not the rock. You know, they're not the main famous people. They're sort of at the edges. And I think it's because we we both kind of say, shit, we're you're not allowed to say, yeah, right. I think when it comes to how I think both both are super important and culture. Yes. 100%. I think maybe maybe hip hop nowadays has grown to the point where you don't even know where hip hop is. Everything can be categorized as hip hop. Just Malone is categorized as hip hop. Yeah. And I love post Malone. Is Justin Bieber hip hop. You get what I'm saying? Some of his new music. I think Justin Bieber if you had to release music like nowadays and we didn't have the perception of him being a could easily consider and nowadays you can almost consider anything alternative hip hop if it's not hip hop it's alternative hip hop in some way. So I think rap as a art has a lot of influence on culture nowadays. But I think when it gets to mainstream, let's say, like if you got. I don't yeah, I think. Maybe maybe. I would have to disagree with you on the point that. They're like on the edge. I guess I'm thinking about Pacific people. It's true. Hip hop culture has gone through a point where it's like it's like going to the Met gala and not see all the big rappers. That's true. That's true. That's true, actually. But you can go and see all the biggest comics because they probably don't even want to go. Don't give a fuck. I don't know about. What. Exactly. So that's true. That's true. But I think comedians and and and hip hop artists are very similar in the same way of what you said. Like we both say things which not everyone wants to hear now. Not everyone is going to go take their kid for comedy specials live. So and not everyone is going to take their kid to a certain artist. Hip hop live. So yeah, because it's so in parameters which as a depends on what type of comedian you are as well. You know, you play it safe and you can make does a lot. To do that. Yeah, there's a lot of do and there's a lot of artists that play it. So so maybe it's just this does how they want to make their music or their art form, whatever it is. But I agree with you. I think there's a certain aspect of rebellion which comes to different sides of both comedy and hip hop, which relate to each other so much. Like my favorite comedian is Andrew Schulz. Andrew, show us. By way steps on just the edges of being canceled. Like oh my God, one foot. In, one foot out on every joke. You get. Because I love him so much. I love him so much for that. And some of my favorite artists in hip hop say the wild this shit like the wild. This is the. Case. This is like we. Will get to. That and I just find the telling so entertaining. So I agree with you so much most of the time. And that's true. I think I think you're right that now hip hop has gone totally mainstream. I think I still have that perception of it from when Eminem was counterculture, right. When Eminem was underground. And like, you know, the main news sources are like, oh, my God, you know, crushing their prayers. Like, there's no way I agree with you. If we're speaking about hip hop and comedy back in the day, I would 100% agree with. Even ten years ago. We went, yeah, 100%. I think we were on the edges of, of culture, you know, not necessarily respected as the celebrities like a film star would be or something. But I feel like nowadays, man, that's true of is nowadays if you're a big rapper or a big comedian, but the influence you have, look at Ricky Gervais, look at Dave Chappelle. You know. These people are superstars. But the comedians the comedians I feel are are. Still there's. Still a bit of tension that. They want to be. Because they don't want to be. But also they keep they keep trying to cancel them. Right. Like Dave Chappelle, prime example. I think this is. All about both bonus of classic or those I don't know I'm not sure if you can hear it. It's going to be picked up on Mike. Probably it will be. But there's the donut man that drives. Around the malls. So this is still. Mo always hanging out. With Dave. Chappelle. Yeah, people keep getting kept. Exactly. They try against them, but they're uncomfortable because they all give a fuck. Like, what are you going to do to Dave Chappelle? I think this is his. Fanbase loves him too much. I think there's going to be an I know a lot of people are speaking about this at the moment, but I think there's going to be a turning point in culture, especially in American culture right now. Like I think people are so sick of cancel culture and everything that's going on, how everyone is so super sensitive for the smallest thing. You can even have a conversation with three quarters of people nowadays because of how and I'm not speaking about Europe book people people like to put like humans in our books. And this is no hate for any country, you know. But you go to Europe and you start to understand like it's so much easier to have certain conversations. We can disagree and have opposing facts, but I think we we still understand it means to have an opinion. It just seems like in in the US and then in other countries like in America. In America. Mostly. It's just getting to a point where it's like ridiculous. No one can even speak. Like you see every movie that comes out and even even of the family, even of it's to white people, right? Yeah. A baby has to be Chinese and the cousin has. To be Indians. Yes, yes, yes. Yes. It's like with Chinese, so. Or, like, the most ridiculous example of this is in the U.K., they, they, um, there was this period drama where, where I think they, they, they think it was Queen Victoria and they made her black. The car minus. Bo and I when I heard that they wanted her to turn. Ariel. Ariel, bright. Mermaid. Ariel, whatever, because it's a fantasy character. But Queen Victoria was a historical figure. She wasn't black. Not only was she black, but it was impossible for that to happen at that level. What are you talking about? It makes. It makes a mockery of the the fact that race was such a problem for so long, you know, that that that time period was not good for for black people. And I also think there's this one point that people fail to pick up on so, so much. You don't understand that let's say, Ariel, like my example for Arya, right? To me, this is what I think of it. This is this is how I think of things. Let's, let's, let's, let's take Spider-Man. Okay, okay, okay. So Spider-Man throughout history. Hot take Spider-Man throughout history has I think at least I hope I'm not out of my ass at the moment. But I think Spider-Man through history has always been white. It's always been Peter Parker. Peter Parker. They were speaking about making Spider-Man black. There is. So there is. I think what they did then in the comics was then there was an alternate universe where they made him half black, half Latino. Is this a new comic? No, it's it's actually he. Was the first one that they kind of went the truth. Speaking. But then. No. But then recently, like a couple of years ago, they started doing it with a lot of different characters. Like the new Iron Man is like this young black girl, Thor. They got Lady Thor where Jane Foster became. So they've been. Yeah. Doing that shit. Yes. Regardless, let's say I'm speaking out of my ass. And Spider-Man was throughout history. You always write to me. To me personally, I feel like it is so much more for culture. It is so much more positive. Instead of turning Spider-Man Black, make a whole movie about Storm. Yeah. Storm is a black superhero and. She's history always. Been Black. Storm is one of the dopest superheroes ever, in my opinion. Yep. She was also. Book the image. Everything is insane. She was black meant as white for well. Why not just make a movie about an actual black superhero? Same with you. If you I get it. It's a fictional character. But throughout history, she's been a white mermaid. No. Why not just create a new story about a new black coat? Yeah. And this the reason why I say it. You don't understand that the people who are making these movies are 99% white people. So when you see Ariel being black for a movie, it's still white people profiting from this movie. The only thing they're doing is turning her black. So now they can reach a bigger audience. And be used. This excuse to get. More people to watch the movie make more money. A few just for you. Think in your being represented when all you are you're being used. I more or less agree and and I think the there is a part all this that is the one performative like it's a lot of people kind of trying to be. Because if you. Don't nowadays you get. Canceled. But here's the thing here's the thing that people don't. And you sort of touched upon it at the start of this, that when you meet people in real life, 90% of people are actually really reasonable. They may they may skew one way or the other. But then there is this 5% of people that are fucking white supremacists and then this other 5% of people that are these woke nutjobs that think men and women, there's no difference between them. And the races. Are the more the fuck do. You think about. Yeah, yeah. I know it's a touchy subject to. Speak on, but these are speaking about exactly. Feel like. And you know what I feel? You know what I feel when I when I do comedy which is really strange. Yes. So there was this one time my set is very it's unusual to. Okay, so it's it's a little bit edgy, let's say, for lack of a better word. And what I feel from the audience a lot of times is not that, oh, he said the wrong thing. It's and I'm offended by it. It's Oh, someone else might be offended by this. They they get a bit like on edge, right. So nowadays. Exactly. And that's like that. That's a chilling effect because. It it stops you from. Saying certain things like, I'm a I'm a baby comedian. Yet basically there is I don't have an audience yet. So the people coming to my shows, I'm also doing open mikes, I'm doing shows where where there's a bunch of other people. And so the audience is very mixed. Andrew Schulz For example, people are going to see him so they know what they're in for. They like. That show. Asian, White. Everything, and he shits on everyone. He's sitting on everyone. Everyone. Everyone. But yeah, when you're starting out. You, it's hard. To do that. It's hard to shoot on everyone because half the audience is getting annoyed. Yeah. So it, it pulls. You in a certain direction. It's by necessity it you towards being more politically correct because. But I think at the same time, like we were speaking about the subject of the power, I think there's this awakening happening of most people. I think it's getting to the point where people are getting so sick of being silenced just for having an opinion that everything is turning. And I'm sure you see this and this is I don't know, maybe it's cringe to mention Amazon, but you see people like Andrew Tate at all. Right. Right, right. It's constantly blowing up. Part of the reason why he's blowing up, man. This is what I was going to say. You see Andrew Tate, there's this other guy now. This Nico. Sneaker, maybe a bit more crazy. Andrew Tate, in my opinion, a bit more performative, but still blown up for a reason. Andrew shoots blue up for a reason. Yes. The reason why these people are blowing up is the same way that before, let's say everyone used to ten years ago. Everyone, everyone. I don't care what you say, boy. Ten years ago, everyone collectively agreed that men are women. Men and women are different. Ten years ago. This is the. Conversation though. Somewhere along the lines there was a small group of people that started to say, No, we're exactly the same. And because the small group gags up, the voices amplify. Yes. And now I think the opposite is happening in the manosphere in the men's side of the Internet, where everyone wants to be accepted and everyone wants to be respectful of each other and everything. And now the gangs of people who still think no men and women ought to know, I can have an opinion. No, these. People are starting to gang up now. And because with Andrew Tate, with Andrew shoots, with all of these people, the exact opposite has happened. They're the only ones with the balls to say exactly what everyone is thinking. Unfortunately, I feel like the manosphere, you know, I've known about Andrew for years. Really. You know. I just found out about him. I've. I've. I haven't followed him, but I've not six, seven years he's been around. You know. Yeah, he's been around for ages man. What time do it. And I always felt the same way I feel. I've always felt the same way about him, which is that most of the manosphere content, which is that. The. The description of the problem is correct. Yeah. Their solutions. Yeah. Tend to be a little or their interpretation of the problem tends to be a little bit far out there. I think with, with, I would say I think it's this I think people like me knew who understand what before we were speaking about this you either have it or you don't sometimes. And this is just how your brain as wired if you don't understand it, you don't as you do, you do. But I think when someone like me and you look at and you say, we can understand the points which he's making, where he's making a valid point and the points that he's making to get clicks and views on his videos. Yeah, I think it's true. Maybe some people cannot recognize that this and half of the things he's saying are jokes and half of them actually have value. May when you maybe the reason we understand is because we create content so we understand how the internet works. Yeah. When I see Andrew Tate speaking about like he's not going to help his friend having a heart attack because he's not gay. You really think that his pain is happening over like he's. Not going to have. Yeah, I know. But it's hilarious to see as you say, that's. That's a big problem with Andrew Tate is that he's really funny. He's really charismatic, amazing. And like even what you were saying about when you when you see it, like sometimes you see you see someone who like has the sauce. Yeah. You understand doing. Even even when like some his his set when he's there and he's leaning forward, then have a shirt on. There's this like red light smoking a cigar. I look at that and I'm like, genius, yeah. Genius, genius. I'm sorry. Like, I. You have to give the credit. Where credit's due. Well, even even younger artists, like back in the day, I remember the whole SoundCloud. SoundCloud era artists were, again, tattoos on their face just to get noticed because everyone was making music. You can't only ship off. Some of these people were genius to tattoo the whole face to to get to get attention on them. Now, has it backfired? That's another that's another discussion. Mm hmm. But these people were genius to manage to get to that position just by finding this hack. Yeah. Yeah, I tattooed my face. Now I have attention. So it's the same thing, I think, with Andrew to take its genius book for to understand what's going on in the world, to understand all this. And so everyone is sensitive. Everyone is doing this, this, this and this. Let me just. Go all out. Opposite way. And he fulfills his he's essentially embodying a certain archetype. He's like the archetype of the hyper masculine warrior, yet. Right. And I think we need it as a representation nowadays to just like it's lost, of course. Like there are some, some things he says are so exaggerated. So exaggerated. And look, I think I think ultimately it is it is he is a negative thing for me. I think it is negative for for men because. It. Essentially is his main points. Why he's so appealing to a lot of men. It's because there's a lot of men that are unsuccessful with women. Right. They're part of the 80% of men that get to. The. 80. 90% of get. No, no play. Yeah. And they're listening to him and they're like, cool. What I need to do is X, Y, Z, do them reality. It's not like it's ABC, it's not X, Y, Z. It's okay. Let me let me make more more concrete. He's the red pill movement in general is very much like, you need to be hot, you need to have money and you need to have status. That's that's their main argument. This one is actually the opposite. I think you I think they say you don't need to be hot. Get your money up. Yes. But they also they. Know they they to look look status. Money, 100%. 100% licit and. Not having no. Money and status fucking matter. I'm not. Saying nowadays. More than. Money. I don't think they I'm not saying we all matter but. I mean more than looks my but. Yeah. But if you hyper prioritized those things you're going to attract women the hyper prioritize those things. Yeah. So there is a self-fulfilling prophecy of of course the women you're dealing with are all money hungry because all you've got is money status and looks. Now if you also look cross-culturally, if you ask women what they like, the top three are always kindness, money of kindness, intelligence and status. So it's not like and then that's, you know, there's there's looks and there's money. They come into that and into that for sure. But the the. Things that most women actually like looking like video, the period video, right. Why did that pop off so hard? Okay. I'm not ugly. Yep. I have a deep voice. So so that's that's kind of attractive. There are there are other signals of attractiveness, but I was also being really nice about it. Yeah, that's. And that is what women like. They are much more attracted to personality and and things like that than men realize because our system is so, um, overwhelmed by things like looks. Yeah. That we don't understand how women work. Every woman has this experience. For example, she. She's a guy. He's ugly. She's like, no. Then he opens his fucking mouth and she spends an hour with him, and all of a sudden he becomes attractive. She starts seeing him as more attractive. I agree with some points. All right. I agree with him on think and I love this because. Yeah. Actually have a. Do. Exactly exactly. I think in my opinion, maybe I'm biased. Maybe I'm biased in my thought. In my thought structure. Mm hmm. Maybe I'm biased, too. Yeah. So this is why we can conversation. Oh, things. So in my opinion, when I look at and you would say, Mm hmm. I see someone that's. That clearly knows what they're doing, right? They clearly, clearly have a brain on their head. They clearly know, when they're joking, where they when they're saying outlandish things and when they're being 100%. Suz, you watch James with like I do take actually discussing things with people. So he said some some things which maybe he didn't he himself didn't step up for himself with regards to his argument. I feel like like there was this one argument where he was saying that nine, nine out of ten times he'd rather jive with a man than with. The one with Hassan. Yet. And then Hassan was bringing it up like, yeah, but it's statistically proven that those more men that crash course listen that's not the point that Angela taped was saying. And I feel like Angela was forgetting and you forgot to say this. I think the reason why there's more men that crash the cars is because men take more risk when driving 95% of the time. So that's why more car crashes happen. But on the average day, if you're getting in a car with your friend just trying to get to work, that's a whole different situation. Car crash is necessarily don't give an average on the average driver because the average person would just crash and it's probably okay. Okay. So maybe breaking the law. I see what you mean. So you get you understand what I'm saying to you now? I see. I might be seen as an overall positive because I understand what he's doing. Mm hmm. Maybe what you're saying is true because I've never lived as I'm. I don't. I don't know if is the way to say I never was an so you get. Right to it, which I. Never was. I never was a person who there were days where for sure I didn't feel confident. I got rejected by every girl as though there were these days for certain. But I never felt like there was no hope. Yeah, I never felt like there was no hope. Maybe Andrew was preaching to people who feel like there no hope. So the way they look at him is more of a god. Instead of just listen and understand what this guy is doing. You get what I'm maybe I'm biased because I don't take everything he says word for word. But I think this is a question to you. If you are a person that doesn't have confidence, that would never message a good that would never speak to a good that don't know how to digest that you don't know you you get the type of person which I'm trying to. Yes. Speak about. Now, if you see Andrew Tate and you start getting inspired on getting your money up, working out, looking good, taking care, you have all of these things. Don't you think it's true? Maybe you're going to get the wrong woman after you do all of these things. But don't you think that is a net positive? You're actually being able to get to a point where people are interested in you instead of doing nothing at all. Yes. As listen, like, again, I think this is this is a part of the problem because, of course, with Andrew. Is this is this is part of the. Problem with with Andrew Tate, is that a lot of the stuff he says. As a very. Large portion of what he says, I agree with 100% what he talks about escaping the matrix, um, about the fact that, yeah, you should work out, you should do hard things, the best things in life don't come easy, they're hard, etc., etc.. A lot. Of that is very, very positive. And yeah, he's going to inspire a lot of people to do something about it 100%. And in that respect, I just think that ultimately. The. I think the thrust of his argument is correct. It's when you get to the details that he starts to lose me. And I think he's ultimately incorrect. I mean, and I don't even have a problem with like he's saying, you know, he has six good friends and, you know, he's not gonna have a wife, whatever. That's the selling. Point of all. The fuck you want. But at the end of the day, I don't care if that's okay with those women. If those women want to date you and and whatever, great. It's just that in my experience, none of that shit has ever mattered whether I have money or status or. The. Brand, because it talks about the stars where like the confidence, the being funny, being interesting, all that shit matters way more and being nice matters so much more than people realize. And boy, if you see his whole if you see his hold on I watch him. Yeah, I'm just interested. I'm fascinated to see someone who thinks this way argue with. And so I was quite a bit of this content. But I love it. And even where he's speaking to smart people, you can see he quotes, which is so, but he knows when he's speaking to someone smart and he knows when he's entertaining people, when he's having grown conversation. But he never says like the car conversation was the only thing which I felt that he didn't argue against the. Yeah, he made he made the best arguments argument. Exactly. Exactly. And I think even if it was a good argument, he didn't explain why it was a good argument to him. He was just saying, but listen, it's my opinion when I've got and cause that's not how you explained. I know. Give the explanation that I gave you I think makes a lot more sense to explain, for example. Yes, sure. Maybe. Stylistically, I have no idea. I have never looked into the issue of who? Me neither. Yeah, um. I forgot what I was going with this. That isn't. Interesting. Okay, well, I think. I think I think we we. Discussed Andrew and I have I actually. Have. So many photos of. Because this is. Sort of really. Like a physical. Oh, so, so we. Mentioned before that, um you know, a lot of rappers have like some great lines, right? Yeah. Yeah. And I went through a lot of your music. I found so good. Like, do this. So have some crazy ass lines. So I'll try the phones again. It gets back to seriousness. Now I'm thinking about entertainers right now. So this from a the instant classic. Break your back. Okay. And those two lines. I ain't trying to talk I'm trying to break your back. Yes. Puts you on lock and my dick is the key. So what was your inspiration for this? Was it Jesus? Was it perhaps your favorite romantic comedy? Where did you get these lines? I'm very religious, man, intellectual philosopher, I would say digging deep. Like I see the. Soul and thoughts and understanding life and backs. I know. I'll be. Honest. It's this album. I'm so happy that you said this is from Alter you going? Yes, there's the whole. Name explains the whole project, basically. And I'm so glad that you actually took time to listen to this project because I feel like is the best one I've made so far. I me to like my confidence over there is. It's my favorite one easy. Something is the lyrics. When I was making this project, I just remember just having so much fun. I was listening to the music. If you listen to my favorite artists of all time, his name is Roberts, you will start to understand where I get my inspirations from as an artist and why I'm wild with my lyrics. Sometimes I swear like Rob Banks has one cover. One cover of his. Project is like a girl, like an Adam with mouth open falling out. He's sitting on. Her phone with. A, like 20 inch thick, blurred out. But that's all it is to you afterwards. Yes. So he's like my favorite artist ever. I've been listening to him for so long and he has like these weird anime references to like women and it is just so funny. But he talks about his dick all the time. All the way. And it's just fun. Like when I when I used to listen to his music, I just it was just so much fun listening to these stupid lines. And so when I was making this project, I was like, like, fuck what everyone thinks, but fuck who's listening to this and judging. And I just want to. Just play how funny I. Was exactly. And the whole the name of the project, this alter ego is literally lied in an edit to different people, but 100% to different people. They're starting to get closer to each other. Lied in the stand to become more. Which is a good thing. In my opinion, for those who don't know his. Moral that is. That. Yeah. So I was sure your name was a long time. People come up to me that are. Your real name is Eddie first. Go I like can you imagine for school parents cool enough for they give you that birth name I know like two years old my name is the first preschool I go first. So I guess I just thought your name was Edward. I. Guess. Exactly. But now. Okay. So. Yeah, exactly. Like video, two different people. That project was me representing Eddie, the scumbag piece of shit he is so good. It was my type of energy. It felt like. It felt like when you're you're. Like at the gym, you're in a bar with a bunch of dudes and some girl will continue like this. I can almost feel like. The power of the high. When you did well. Good. It's the world. It's. There's something of both motifs with. A very attractive woman walks in. You just. Yeah, you just has to be. Your mouth is not. It's it's so. Much better than what is. It's always worth it. It's more from the soul. Exactly. Exactly. It's from here, you know? It's from the gut. From the soul. And yeah, there's a couple of other lies, I think actually most of the lines were from the album. Do they have the. Effect of, Oh, one of your songs is called Beat It Up Slash put out? Is that your preferred mode of birth control? I'm not going to lie. Yes, I'm not going to lie. I have an issue. Yeah, I. Have. And I think just. Okay, no back. I'll give you a couple condoms. Really? It was 100. But the people who come to the box, you should read them just. Dude, condoms are expensive. It's only worth it if you buy them one at a time. I guess you think it's, you know. I'll be honest with you. Like once when I was dating my when I was dating my ex, I remember that was like I had this issue of like, I don't know. And especially when you get in relationships, you start to get comfortable. Everyone knows. Of course. And I remember she had bought this. Hundred pack. Of condoms from China. So some some fucking place. And I'm telling you, like it's a wild selection's over there. Have some wild selections, like different. Flavors. Flavors. Every one of the condom I ever saw was a roast beef flavored corn. Roast beef. Roast beef. If you're there doing roast beef. Imagine you go through that. Not roast beef today. But today, those beef that just don't. Date vegetarians, it. You know. Maybe that's the getaway. Maybe that's. The little that's. One of my. Favorite and one of my favorite. Lines. From from. A song is from Young Doll's Blue Boys. She's a vegetarian. What? You love my meat. I've got to go. Okay, so. In Cigarets actually elucidate this. Okay. But you say. You rhyme woes with hoes, and I you did the actor proper. The line is demons keep me up crying out to the world all alone But these walls But these walls won't save me But the cigarets burn through these clothes I have host on a burn through my money going crazy. Yeah exac. And I felt that deeply. Yeah I think, I think the the. I think it's a slightly different than the I think but you got 99% of it I think it's cigarets burned to these clothes. Exactly. Like. Hos. Donna burn to my money gone crazy. So okay maybe maybe it's that maybe that it's. Very close to. Yeah, yeah. It's, it's yeah. It was hmm. I was going through a period over the. I was. Yeah. I was going to get to. Oh, so, so okay. So you said like you, you were never or and instead you were never like just totally useless. Which women? I was not. Look, there was this there was a point where for sure I was like rejected on seven, seven rejection streak, like seven rejections after each other. Like, yes, you know, no luck in the middle. This was when I was like, I don't know. I think from between 16 to that happened pretty late, to be honest with you. Like from 15 to 17, I think. The nine late bro. Yeah. No, but yeah. I think 15 to 17 or 16 to 18. Yeah. It was rich for me, but nothing, nothing ever. Guy goes through that at some point. Yeah. Unless you're just gorgeous. Exactly. And you're just one of them, which I think actually. I know that which. I think, man. That. Actually is probably. Not a good thing because it you have you end up relying on your looks and you rely on just your natural God given talents or not even talents. And you never learn how what the women actually want and like what, what, how to actually deal with it. I'm not going to lie. I was most proud. There's a deeper story to this. It's too much of a downer, so don't want to get into it like right now. But there were certain situations that happened to me in, my in my childhood, which most probably is a reason for why I started to make music, is because I didn't have that attention. I never got it from anything. So maybe subconsciously I started to make this music for that attention and to start getting my social hierarchy up and to start getting bitches says. Hey, man. Says, Man. I need so much validation. I stand in front of a crowd of strangers and try to get them to laugh. All right, so I get to it comes from somewhere, I think. Oh. Yes, there was this period in my life 100% for sure. Yeah. Yeah. And and so then. Okay, but then before did you start having success before you had like some music success. No, it was, it was the music that got you bad. Yeah, but it's true. It's like, how can I say this was another problem of mine, right? I have like I was watching this Bobby Reid podcast and he was talking about this like he just broke up with his. Khalilah. And he was saying like, he has eyes of a millionaire. And what he meant by this is like even though he knows what. He looks like now, that's is. Yeah. So even though he knows that he looks like his date. What he goes for. Let's say we're talking about being delusional earlier. Delusional, right. I am a I am. 9 million. Delusional when it comes to a. 100% say I used to look like a cricket. Could I can see that. You were like this mustache, facial hair that saved my life. Oh, what was I going to say? Yeah. So I used to go for girls, but shout out to them, some of them very successful. Hmm. I used to go for girls were so out of my league. So if I don't even like to say the way out of my league, I wasn't well where I was. At the time. They were out of your league. You were here? Yeah, exactly. I was like this much value. Exactly. Exactly. Because I didn't get a puppy. As a cricket. You're not getting a puppy. So my. Yeah, I guess. I guess that's what it was. It's like I wasn't me. I was not the person that I was today. So I was failing every single time. I didn't know how to speak to women. I didn't know how to act next to women. I didn't know how to take care of myself, how to of these things. You know, it's a of things play a part, you know, a lot of things. 100%. I think I was a bit lucky. Lucky. Like it depends how you look at it. I was never totally useless. I mean, there were dry spells of like years were not years. I think the longest race we had was a multiple times. But then, you know, when I would get a girlfriend, she would be, quote unquote, out of my league. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. But Then I'm very, very happy that I figured that out before I got any level of notoriety, any level of clout, whatever you want to call it. Yeah. Because now I kind of see it different and I kind of know that. Okay, I can be attractive without the status without this. So that. You know me, it was a bit. Different. Yeah. So which, which. Might speak to or different opinions about Andrew Tate. Right, exactly. Exactly. So it makes a lot of sense actually. To me, it was like maybe this was also a reason why I was unattractive back in the day. Like I said, like at the age of eight, I remember myself shooting Bionicle music for shooting Bionicle videos and uploading them to YouTube. Wish I could find this cello someday. On. A motorola flip phone. I still remember the V2. Although it's a good ones. I forgot. The the razr, the cool. Ones like all those all were still the it. Was my dad's and I remember I used to like take videos of the Bionicle as I was the custom built. Yeah. And post them on YouTube. So after that it was me livestreaming and doing like Call of Duty Montages. Montage is like Modern Warfare, two shots and everything, putting them on YouTube. After that, it was fashion. I used to make fashion videos. I was always like, since the young kid just looking for this little. Justin. Look know in different ways. I was just always constantly looking for it. So I think when I was like 15, 16, I started doing this. Fashions that are new to and, you know, like mother's motto, the second you do something, people are judging me. But I think especially like when I was 16, 17 and at junior college area, you know, like everyone is judging each other, everyone wants to be at the table. People aren't. I think it wasn't so attractive to females like the ones who got it. Got it. You get what I'm saying? I remember this one specific go start up journey. Um, we haven't spoken a minute, but I remember this one specific girl. Like, this is such a funny song. I remember we had psychology class. I think, and one day she just sat next to me and I used to find a very type of back in the day, not nothing. Nothing is the same here. We just don't speak no more lies. We spell out like time exactly what I was to find a very take that this is one of the girls that friendzone me back and I remember she sat next to him and she was like after a couple of days she got to know me. She realized she wasn't interested in me, but on the day she sat. Next to me. She told me she sat next to me because I made those videos and because she thought that was cool as fuck. Okay Okay, okay. Okay. But then she got to know me. She's like, nah, you guys are fucking weird. Oh, no. So, um. Yeah, I guess some people get some people see what you're trying to do and some don't. But I think the majority would much rather not take the risk. Yeah. Yeah. So I went through that first. So like I, I wasn't a useless person, but I was useless for so. And then I remember like music started happening and there was this crazy one week there were these three girls of them all, all three friends on me. And in this you remember, like the old days, like disgust. And I hate talking about this, but I think in two weeks, like I went out with all three after I released music after Tupac. And I was friends with. Now that affected my psychology of it. So of. Course. Of course. Of course. And okay, so, um, I'm curious about something like was a point then where yeah. Got too successful for your own good. I don't think I'm too successful. Like with, with women. I mean, not, not, not with. It got to a point for sure where it was like I started to question like, like, is this really how it works? Not like you just do something and then I don't know. But to me, it was like it was sad, to be honest with you. Because you so you go to the you. Get rejected. Seven times in a row just trying to be yourself. And all of a sudden you released some music videos. They do well. And you see, guess I'm not saying that I used to get like crazy attention from these three women I cared about. I did so in my head. I was like, Oh, like, this is how it works. And I guess, like, the more time goes on, the more you start realizing how much status. And and again, I, I hate to see myself like when people look at me and say, you made it. I haven't made shit. Yeah, cause I'm nowhere compared. Well, I want to be saw. I'm not talking about me like I made it like this thing. I feel none of this, but I understand perception now. But to other people, they see success when they look at me, maybe some people might see a cringe kid. Some people might see success. But that's not my point. I started to realize that, like, as soon as you're on stage, perception changes. As soon as you start to get some followers up on Instagram, perception changes assume. And again, like I'm saying, I used to look like a cricket. Now look kind of halfway. But so that makes a difference, too. Yes. Yes. Just of course. What I did notice the incline or flight, you know, gain attention. But okay, so here's here's the thing with with status that I think a lot of the dreadful people get wrong. A lot of people misunderstand that white women like status. They like status because it signifies certain underlying traits. Once you put that you're saying you put out a music video and you put out music, right? And it was good and it was popular. So what that saying is, oh, this guy can do some good shit, right? That's that's attractive. I think if that's into instinct, of course. Of course. And I think the problem is that some. Women. Only care about the status. And then if you're a fucking asshole, they don't care because you have status and they want the status for what it brings. Right. But a lot most women actually. Okay, they're going to be attracted by the status. But then. If you're. An asshole, they're going to fuck off. Is that. And I think, I think the way to look at it actually is. Looks. Money status or like marketing one. Percent, right? Yeah. But then do you have the product. Do you have the product. That's it. Yeah. I think that's the recipe for a healthy relationship. But I think at the same time 99, let's say 70% of relationships are. So to with. Yeah, oh yeah. This there's a whole bunch of reasons for that. I think 100%. But I also, I also think like sometimes people don't even know what they want. People to know. No idea what that mostly people know what they. Want over there mostly. So I think sometimes like I've started to experience this, you know, like I'm at a point in my life where I don't want to. There are women I speak to, you know, it's like it's some it's a normal thing, I guess. But I'm at a point in my life where because of certain experiences and because of these questions in my head, like going around because of what I'm doing, I'm not interested. Like I'm not interested in, in relationships. Don't get me. Or like I want or I want to be married. I want to have. Just. All of these things. But I'm at a point in my life was like, I don't know, you start to get so many of these questions like, why do people like do they like me for me or do they like me for what they see? Do they like the idea of me or me as a person? You start to get some so many of these questions when you're doing something, you know, and you start to get this attention, which goes back to a question of did it ever get to a point where it was like too good for myself? I guess now I'm at that point where it's like, I don't even know when a girl likes me for me or when they like me for what I'm doing. It must be the most be a hard. Yeah, I guess. I guess. Um, have you, have you ever been on, like, Tinder, for example? Yeah, I go, but I deleted. It's like. I do. In and out. Like this. Like, it's a really weird thing I do, but. Yeah, and not nowadays. Like nowadays I don't have to. And that was mostly when I was going to my breakup on is when I was going through my breakup. I downloaded it and I used to go in it, swipe, see who I like, see why. Don't assume as there was no more swipes that, you know, you spend. Yes. This is like a couple everyone's done it. Just one more. So you get to the end for those. For those just. With. And mostly you get to the end of the wait, you get. To the end. I'm like, what was I doing? Like, what am I doing? And I just delete that immediately, like, and know you done this I think ten times in the span of three months when I was going through my breakup. Which was, well. I don't care. This was like a year and a half. Ago or. Right. Or something like that or two years, I don't know. So no, I had a little bit of a different experience. I was a serial monogamist for a very long time. Okay. And then I met my last ex broke up and I went on what you can only describe as a tear. Okay, explain that. I mean, the point I had like. Eight. Girlfriends. Like, I was always honest and look. I was always going to agitate. I think he's collectively all of that. But 5 minutes later. I had like eight. Guys. But look, I was honest. I was always it wasn't like I would tell. Them all, You're the only one, babe. You know. It was like this. I'm seeing other people that I was varying levels of seeing. Some you like more than others just for the night. But yeah, at some point I was like, I'm tired. Hum, I'm done. That's all done. Yeah. I'm at the point where it's like, is sex even worth the fucking hassle of going to the. Let's be honest, if she's hard enough on the first day, so. But it's like, what if it happens instantaneously? Like if it happens, if I'm in the mood and a girl asks and she wants to meet whatever, blah, blah, I'm 99.9% me and if I find her attractive. Look at you. But I am in a situation right now. It's like the woman that I'm attracted to which I'm like, I'm waiting on the feeling of being like, Hey, you want to meet? Because I started to get this and again, gorgeous from 16 year old me would be punching me in the face right now. Like you piece of shit. You are not taking these opportunities right now. Bro. These 16 year olds, to me it would be like beating, trying to beat this shit. So stab me. That's what's happening. But actually this is. My my or is the question about did you ever get too successful for your own good was kind of I was kind of asking you to start asking you it, which is like, do they ever get to because essentially I was useless or I was half useless for most of my life. And then it got to a point, yeah, about a year ago where I realized, oh, I'm really good at this yet. And so then you're just like a kid in a candy store and that 16 year old, you comes out and you can't say no. Yeah. And then, yeah, you end up with like eight girls that you're seeing and you're just like, this is too much. You start like, emotion Like it's not fun anymore. It's draining. You start feeling guilty. You don't want to make them feel bad. Like, so have the high two. There was this. Yeah, there was this one time. Where in. I had a girl over one night and then the next morning another girl was coming over and I, I, I slept too, man. Like the one time I didn't wake up. And the bell. Fucking rings and. That. And she felt terrible cause I was like, listen, I was. I was dishonest? I'm like this. I'm sorry. There's someone else inside. You can come in. And I turned away. She came back later and she was so upset and I felt so guilty of it. So bad about it, right? You end up like hurting people doing this. Question. And. Sorry, what? Like, you know, if you have more for your point, go ahead. Oh, no, no, no. You oh, question, question, yes. How oh, how like how. Is she is one sleeping over and then the next is another one coming? Like, what I'm saying is, what were you going to at that point in your life to be like, Yeah, I need another one tomorrow because me nowadays. Yeah. I feel like it's more stress than. Yeah. Yeah. It's, I mean, this is basically what I was going through was like the fact that I. But the like. Yeah, yeah, I know. Fucking actually really, really quick. To bullshit in terms. Of yeah. What I was going through is that I, it was always like a goal of mine that was like a bit of intellectual curiosity as well about like, how far can I take this? It was almost like it's almost like a game again. Though. I started getting it and, and I mean my fucking podcast is literally about this topic. So there's a part of me also that was thinking like, I need to experience everything I could possibly experience, just so I have that kind of kind of phase. Yeah. Um, and yeah, like. A lot. Yeah. Hey. It's crazy. It was nuts to. People, I think to people who don't think they will be in that situation, they'll be like, Oh. That's like, yeah. And I had other shit on. Listen, you could do eight, you. Could do eight if like that's all you do it. That's what I'm saying. That's what I, that's was my question. You know, like how how do you manage that going? You you don't, you don't, you can't, you can't, you can't. You got to. And when you say girlfriends, you mean like you was you were given the attention. No, no, no. When I say girlfriends, I mean girls. I was seeing, too, some in some form of another. It wasn't I wasn't texting any of them every day. It wasn't like, you know. That's. Um, but okay. But, but I'm curious about so you do music, you go to shows. I know you you lived in Czech Republic for a while, right? Yeah. Yeah, I know. It's the situation was like, um, basically like between Malta and Czech Republic because like this year I would, I think I would spend like, I don't know, five months there. You know, I think next year we have like, I don't know, four months of touring again. So that's bouncing. Around. Prague specifically. Yeah. I though I went to Prague, I was 18. I fucking love it. The women and the city well shot out. Prague Bubble Bratislava my. But oh. Yeah. Don't you think for the women of the city. Know the. City. Prague Oak Park is one of the most beautiful cities I've ever been to. I'm not going to lie to like it feels like non you're walking in that place. It is when I sit around with women over Bratislava. Nothing against Czech women. Gorgeous. 814 Bratislava. It's just some place. It'll tell you. Sorry. Can you, can you just turn your your seat of it. Yeah. There you go. Yeah. Just so like the camera catches you a bit better. So actually have a have a good, good story about Prague when I was 18. So yeah, so we're, we're only and um, so yeah, this was kind of towards the end of the euro trip. And like you, we pull up in this train and the train station, this train station is gorgeous, like ever been. It's like beautiful, beautiful. I mean. You, you. Look up and there's these, like, paintings, these Grecian statues. Yeah, do it. And then you look down to the fucking McDonald's. And there's another thing. Ruined by American consumerism. But they had two for one on Big Macs. And I love a good deal, so fuck it, we had some Big Macs anyway. We finished. We go to this, we go to our hostel, check in, and we're in this like eight bed dorm. Yeah. And we're introduced to it's like five me or four guys. So there's this just these are two people in the dorm and I can only describe these people as they were very nice, but I describe them as the Irish Incest Twins. Look, it was they were very touchy. They had. Cleft palate. They slept in the same bed. There was something a bit off, but they were very, very, very nice. Very nice. And also maybe it was something to do with the hospitals dingy af. I mean, this place was garbage, this one in particular. But they got a good deal. Of these kids. The these fucking these these people went on a no exaggeration 26 hour bender like they went on the 26 hour bar hope that. Truly. Spectacular show of force performance really anyway that was they were on their bender we went out with some cultural activities we end up going to this bar, made friends with the bartender we snorted gin. Okay just the whole other story. And at about five in the morning, after vomiting up the burgers of the bar, the low made us. The great thing is. We ended up at a strip club and I don't know if you ever been to school club. A motel? I have, yes. They're garbage. Know what it. Basically kindergarten. Is. Like as buried literally in there on the way, like and the opposite of like strip clubs in general, literally. I think this was the last time I've been to a strip club was in Czech Republic, have. Only gone with the psychos and be. Like a is a word. That being said, first thing I see is I walk into this Czech strip club with two girls butt naked s2's and I'm like, I'm home. And these girls were hot too. I mean, wars have been started for less. We sit down and they handle the menu and the menu, you know, the first bits are normal Cuba, Libra, €7, mojito €8, whatever. And then like private dance, €50. Okay, private lesbian show hundred, €8. I'll be honest, I thought about that one. And but then like the. Guy who sends us the, the menu was kind of hovering. And we're like. Yeah. And he's like, Listen, boys, boys. And then like, boys, I want you to have a very good time. But remember. That. The axons. Remember. All the prices is a full girl, full price. Midget half price. I swear to God, he said this to me. Okay. And midget half price. And I looked at him and I wanted to tell him that midget is no longer the politically correct term. You. But instead. But instead I put my hand on his shoulder. I told him, Sergei, I love a good deal. The price, the price, the price. Oh, can you can you argue with half price still again. What the same amount of hose. I mean, you know, three, three, four. The price of oil makes for six. For the price of one. I guess we get to private lesbians. So I like your way of thinking. It's like a. Public. There's this one day we're walking to the center. Yeah, we walk and walk out. I don't know if you experienced this and in the center, but those like shows going on throughout the week. But we're walking and there's this guy is like. Come, come three, so come three. So we pay for drinks. Go and we're left like, let's go see what this guy. Yeah. We go up to. He's like, bro, you, you don't want to see girls this thing go. We love Red Bull. We turn to. Each other we like. What do you mean? So, yes. Life fisting? Yes. Like this thing drinks only came. Out, but stood there thinking about it for a solid ten. I mean at that point the thing with this and. G goodness I it's not even about the sexual. Not at all. This thing. In life like part of. You just like I. Don't want to know the atmosphere yeah yeah, yeah. I was going. Off into sex show and I'm sort of those those does kind of. What that people told me is disgusting though like does people fucking. Not. Know that the people are fucking were were hot actually. But then there were a couple of moments. I mean there was one she got a guy, put him on a chair and she's like throwing a ribbon on him. But the ribbon was like coming out of her pussy. Oh, wow. So it's like a magic show. Yeah, it's like a burlesque show. But, yeah, like this ribbon was never end to. Bring colors to him. Otherwise there was, I think literally. I think so. And I've just put that I do in my head, I genuinely remember that. But, but there was another one. You got this guy on stage, other shirts, and she opened up his shirt, got them to light on the ground. She put a marker on her pussy and wrote this guy's name with with her pussy. That point it's a genuine it's. A skill. It's a skin. Hundred percent which a lebron's just control your pussy muscles. Tighten up. That's some Keegan some. Hardcore Keegan's up. I can't even use my right hand my left to write someone's name to review pussy for a good this but but do. You have any any like crazy dreams or crazy like groupie stories like girls that? Yeah. It's just something I was like, you start to understand, like, how different culture affects women who in different countries, for lack of I'm sure you know about this, but Chegg has a very, very, very popular porn. Oh, yeah, of course. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. If you go on all of your favorite websites and. You I've seen I've seen them come up for sure. It's everywhere but fake taxes everything is so yeah. I never I never. The culture over there but is is mad like I'm telling you this is this is genuinely the truth. If you if you experienced this by use date, you'll see every single female that follows me on Instagram. You know, you see who follows you, you know, there's a gun to check with this person is every single female that follows. You both has a picture of their ass on their Instagram, but I'm telling you, it's like not the mud, the Maltese. I'm at the beach. Take a picture from the back to show my figure it's not. It's sexually. Yes, yes. It's very deliberately. With these. Sexual and it's like the the BDSM culture over there is men out like mad and this thing like where they stick hooks in themselves and all that it's it's mad like the culture. Gets is moving to Czech. Republic. But it's crazy. And I have this one story of this particular girl that I end up meeting over the is the first time this happened to me so we meet I'm understanding already what what these women I have my manager with me he tells me about his experiences. You know, I'm starting to understand that over there the culture is they because I think they grow up watching porn because it's over. It is so I mean. Everyone does at this. Point. Yeah, but but then over. There it's more. Then you get. Like I think in Czech probably females get asked for fake taxes on a on such a more regular basis than any other country in the world because it's really like, oh, you, you go on any of your favorite sites, you check, it's everywhere. Yes. This is so it's literally a part of the culture over there. And I remember I met this one girl was speaking about the next day, we decided that she's going to come over. Now we're going to the first girl that has ever told me to punch her straight enough face. Punch, punch. Punch cards. So, like, closed fist. Yeah, like the conversation. I didn't do it. Because. They soon went like this, but the conversation went like this. But I'm telling you, like, to them, this is completely normal. And this. This was before you had sex or like during. Not so. So first we're speaking and like she's telling me, you know what she wants. She said me what she likes and everything and she's making it clear that this is what she enjoys. She's also told me that she's she doesn't really like sleep with men so much, but something just told her to do it. Yeah. So. I guess so. Maybe she's used to maybe she's. Used to like females slapping or punch and no. Yeah, it may be. Okay. So she was saying she sleeps with more women than okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. And so she told me what she wants. She said to me how she would like the session to go. And I'm like you. I have never been this aggressive in my life, but I'll try my best and it is happening. And she tells me to. It started off slow like slaps. I can. I can see that. There's no. Problem. Okay. Yeah, you can. You are not going to catch a case with a slap. Slap. I could, I could slap some about that. The slap is. Of no problem. Reach for the shampoo supplements anyway. Slap is gone. It's okay. At first it was in the lower section of a body. Right? Ten minute, 5 minutes afterwards, five, 10 minutes. She's like, slap me in the face. I'm making a face that you on the face. It is. Yes. I said okay. We can live with your consent. Yeah. With your consent I will attempt to slap you or. To say you. Don't do this without a conversation with. No, of course. Yes, yes. If you don't, just go slap. A woman, of course. But with consent. I think it's it's at the risk factor where you allow yourself to do not. Do. Five, 10 minutes afterwards, it was just like escalate. She's like, punched me. I'm like, What do you mean? It's like, punch me in the face. I'm like. Oh. She's like, Punch me in the face. Like, this is how I get turned on. I'm like, I'm sorry, but no, yeah. Like, I'm not punching you in the face. Like, there's no way to hope we can keep going. Whatever session and all of that, all of that God was speaking afterwards like and she's like, you know, like it was good. But I'm disappointed. Like, but you said, I told you what I want and you didn't like, you know. Yeah. Punch in the face, punch in the face. Punch in the that's that's yeah. I, I wouldn't, I used to say no. I used to say my line is like bodily fluids. You like I'm not into pee, the vomit or whatever like that. That's my line. Oh when you line the ever. Lower like bodily fluids. I don't know, like if is, I don't know if you're going down on a girl and she ends up. Squirting that's that's all get squirted different squirting. Oh you saying like casually peeing on. A yeah. Like harping on me baby peeing on her like you know bodily fluids that aren't normally associated with sex is what I mean. You have to think about doing it before I peed on. So, like. And I'm just. Not that's not actually going to. Don't feel. Okay. But on that note let's let's take a little break. Because I usually take good. And we're back. So final last uh, last section final section. So I'm going to hit you with some of my favorite rap lyrics, and I want you to do two things, okay? I want you to read them from 1 to 10, read the book and try and guess the song. Okay? Okay. Okay. See. So actually I already mentioned the, the first one, which is she's a vegetarian. Which of those. My meat. South. Young dogs. The king. Would most that right. Um for sure always. So it was pretty easy put a ribbon on my box because this pussy gifted. That's probably some Cardi B. Cardi. B for sure. Put put a ribbon on this box because this pussy gifted smut so. Yeah I. Agree. It's from which wish is just just gets the artist. The specific songs will be a bit hard though. This is the card. Um. If I fuck three times, I'm a lifer. I know this, Jake. No No. Wait, wait. Not you to melt away. So I know this is not the way. No, I fucked the times I'm alive. You got you got the you got the weed. Can I have the next line that this, um, this is some kind of little way for, uh, for members. It's easy, of course. I go the easy route. The tour, so I. But it ain't safe. For the black. The white girl that's that is they they say. About fuck the times I'm a folk too early to do I get that out of five you know I don't like the philosophical thinking it's true. It's true. Um, uh. There's an easy one as well. I ain't got no type, but bitches is the only thing that I like. I never understood that sentence really, but is from slavery. I know it. Well. Yeah. It's a race drummer so ex. Exactly. Yeah, I got no type. I have no type. Bad bitches is the only thing that I like. So I have a like it's bad. But it was bad. Vicious just means like hot grass. Just hot, right? So I don't have. A hot this. Hot racial preference. Racial or like blond leg. Exactly. Exactly. And know what. I do you have any. Do you have a preference in general? I always had this argument that I feel like in reality, if someone is attractive, someone is attractive. Doesn't matter that Indian. Why black, Asian. It doesn't matter if someone is attractive and symmetry and science explains that this person is attractive. That person was attractive. I'm not going to lie. Of course some races have certain stereotypical attributes. I would. Say. Such a. Such as? Black female. Mm hmm. And also it happened. You know my level, bro. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And also, you know, I'm not going to say that. Those to tell me that. But yes, I would say that all women are beautiful if they are beautiful, you know, but preference if it's okay to have preference nowadays, I don't know why. So it's almost to say, yeah, we as black people, black woman. Yeah, I'm 100% on on that level as well of. Course stereotypical I'm 100%. You was in the stereotype right now. I'm like, well, you're. For me actually. Okay, forget that. Forget that. Because you can make the same argument. Both Latinos, right? No, I'm not saying that's not what I mean. It's not just the stereotypical, the ass. Right. It's just I don't know, black females have features, which is like the glitz. And I don't not the skin color. I really I. Don't think honestly, this is this is why I said this multiple times in my friends. I can't wait to get canceled because what's going to cancel me? Say whatever you. Want. No. And what's what's going to cancel me is me saying some eminently reasonable bullshit, which most people agree with. So just going to get eyes on me and people going to hear me say the reason was shit. It's not like you're like. Kind of being like, I'm not sure if I can say this. Because black people look different. From white people. That's fine. We're not saying there's anything wrong with somebody. I know, man. I know when. I'm having conversations with my friends off camera all of this, you know, there's no problem for me saying it. Just how it is is of course, like but of course, nowadays I understand like even people going up and watching and all of these things, you know, it may be it's it's so it's better to be slightly cautious of how you speak it. I can understand that. But at the same time, it's okay to have an opinion. You know, it is what it is. But yes, black woman is my main type, I would say. Yeah, same. Um. Okay. You up with a different quote like a slight tangent on this game. Okay, you have to. You have to go it comes down and he tells you you have to build your perfect woman. Ooh. And he gives you eight attributes. Oh okay. And he tells you you can only pick for gets now. Okay. Okay. All right. Well you can pick four out of these eight. That's all you're going to get. And I'm good. And you have to marry this woman. You have to spend the rest of your life with her. You can't look anyone. Else you. Have and I have the list of shoes for you. Okay. So nice as. Nice. It's nice face. Hot Mom. Mm hmm. And hot mom is a proxy for her where she's going to age. All right. Oh, I like the way you think. So. Kind, smart, funny. Freaking the sick. What's freaking the sick? We can say. Good, good and bad. Whatever that means to you. But you guys have got. You got. So we've got kind, smart, funny, good and bad. So let's start from those four. No, you have to. You have to pick four from all the others. Exactly. So you can see them. As for personality and for physical, right. So like the four personality are kind, smart, funny, good and bad. The four physical are nice, nice, nice, nice face, hot mom, nice face. Mm. Nice ass. Mm hmm. But it's. Agreed. Don't care. Literally, Mum might be a distraction and the relationship because I know how my brain works. Yep. So I'd rather avoid this. So. Yeah, look, look, look, look. You need to be aware of who you are as a person and your weaknesses and take steps to address those. So, yes, yes. No, we're not doing that during the US and a nice face. If my girlfriend has a hot sister, I'm staying three meters away from her at all times. What I'm saying. It's hard, man. It's hard news. She's there. So we're going to do you. You cannot see because you feel like old your dating. You can never you can never say no. But even you think. Oh, yeah, of course, of course you fucked up. Oh, she's a no. No, she's not. I'm with her sis. Those attractive my girlfriend isn't exactly. But anyway, skip ahead. Yeah so nice face. Nice, nice place, nice eyes. The character too. Kind. Smart, funny, good in bed. This is the difficult part. Tougher. This is the difficult part. You can you can pick for personality, right? If you want. Yeah. No, I'm just saying. I'm just saying. I agree. So what? I agree. Okay, so good in bed. And there's a reason for it because I think in order to have in a relationship, I think sex is a very important thing. And I also think spicing it up when it is born is is good to be is good to have a a wide perspective on the subject, you know, because eventually things get one. And if you keep things the same. Nothing's going take. So a great. Good in bed is definitely a good thing that you know, that promotes a healthy relationship. Other people under undervalue how important sex and for the longevity of a relationship. Well you hear these couples after like being 15 years together only fucking like once a year it's like. Right. This is the reality. The reality you don't know exactly what it is. So the good and bad I think is like the important things. But then between cunning. Kind, funny. Smart. Smart. Smart. I don't think it depends. Like, is it smart her being able to have an intellectual conversation with you? Because that is very important. I love this gossip. Yeah. If I could do a podcast every day of my life, I would. I just love certain. It kind is also amazing that, you know. But yeah, I think smart. I think smart is a is a good well funny not funny smart girl. Those are the one of the ones. Which one would you think are funny. And smart between funny and smart? Because I had shot at somebody. Yeah. The funniest thing. So things you would do but I don't know like well when I, when I think of those times. Yeah I've had some funny as good one of. Those like some those funny situations where you just look at that person like, I don't know. Yeah, but I don't know. It's like it would seem to go. I think between smart and funny, specifically. Between those two. I think I'd go with Smart. Smart, I think I go with smart just because I do funny. Few of the time I. Do I do. Funny enough, you know, like I'm a comedian. Like I go, I do funny things with other people. It's okay if you're not funny. It's okay. My partner's like, honestly, I would probably pick out of all of the four. I would pick good and bad, kind, nice face. Nice. Good and bad guy. And nice face. Nice as I could did. Yeah. Same. Yeah. What did you pick again. Say the. That's my first good embed. Um, I'm stuck between the smart and funny. Yeah. For the sake of argument, we're going to say smart. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, because. Honestly, I. Because I there's a female version as well. Um, and there's, I've also taught quite a few people now there's surprisingly little variation between people like you. So women will say the same thing. So the, the woman version is tall, muscular, nice face. Um. Nice face, boyfriend, dick. Um, and then, uh, the kind smart, funny, rich and they normally women pick kind smart, um, boyfriend Dick and then one of the other physical ones no one has ever picked. Rich I feel like that is so cutthroat. I don't think. It's like that is. So listen, there have been there have been studies about this women would rather pay. Bonuses and maybe. You cut it. If you want both. But I don't think women. Know what they want or do. I don't think men or women know what they want. But but again, the rich and this is like pretty well-established in the literature. Rich and status. Yeah, women like it because it signifies the underlying the underlying traits. But yeah. Like, look, it's, I'm not. Saying it's not important. I resource acquisition is, is a very important part of evolutionary psychology. But one can afford it. Look, I look good girls are coming. Up to you but it's. Like we said but it's like. We said before, it's like we said before. Yeah, rich is great. If you've got all the other stuff. Yes. But Women would much rather all the other stuff. Yes. Then Rich. Rich is not going to make you rich is not going to allow you to keep up unless he's cheat. Exactly. But it's it look it's great marketing. It's it's it's still attractive if you've got all the other stuff for sure. I'm not saying it's not important at all. I think if you have all the other stuff like Kind Funny. It's better to be rich than to be poor. I think that it it's. Not enough to keep a. Woman because I think at the end of the day, a woman wants family 99%. And in order to have a family need stability. And to have stability, you need someone being the breadwinner of the household. And this is just my perspective, of course, and I feel like, um, of course when a man has attributes which have to do with protection, all of these I feel like of course money can. Go, you. Can do a lot of that. You know, it can, it can ensure that your children are going to have a safe future. Can that if they need clothes, if we need food. Even instinct. But you don't need to be rich for them. You don't need to be rich like if you. If you're a bum, you can't be poor. Yes. That's very unattractive. You can't be okay. Yeah, exactly. But then. But then if you're poor, if you're a bum, there's other stuff that's a problem. There's other stuff about your mentality, about your pitch or certain attributes about you. Right? So that's that's I think the distinction I. Agree with. You. Yeah. You don't need to be rich, but you need to have a head on your shoulder. Yes, yes, yes, yes. 100%. Of course. I agree with you. Um, but okay. Anyway, we went. On a real tangent from the quote though though it's. Good, man. I mean, that's what that's a podcast is basically one long tangent. Um, I got no tie up with that one. Oh, there's a classic I love you like a fat kid loves cake. He's like a fat kids. Those cake. That's a joke. No, no. I'm so garbage. Like, if. I know which song this is to. I love you like a fat killer's cake. Then, uh, I should. Read the song. I know who it is. I need, like, the the sentence before that because I can. I can hear the song in my head. You get. The queer. Love you like a fat cat loves cake And whatever it take I know that's how it goes. I'm trying to find the the line before the I'll do whatever it take I love you like a fat kid Love cake You know my style I say anything to make you smile. Kanye. West these no, no. Oh, my God. Out to us whatever taste the. I know this song it's 50. Oh, my God. 21 questions. Should be a shame. I need to show you this. If we go on my Spotify and we go on my saved songs 20. One I loved the sounds growing up. But that's my favorite 50 song. Uh, my brain is just. Not working this. Podcast. To promote these books because. I love that song. That doesn't. Ten, ten, ten. Ten, ten. Sorry to let her go, but the whole like a frisbee. Yeah, yeah. 11, ten. I have no idea who said that, that M.A. But that's Ric Flair Drip. But then when I thought about that line, I'm like, Frisbees, don't come back. They do love, do they? When you thought as. I think if you throw them the right way. Yeah, it's. Like it loops back around. Right. But the boomerang, the Frisbee. But I think maybe if you throw a Frisbee, the right. To do these dumb ass things. With glue. Yeah. No, Eminem is like everyone's. A good really look. I think his early. Stuff early work amazing when he. Again when he was counterculture. Yeah counterculture Eminem. I think that's what Eminem never understood about himself. People didn't love him because he could rap fast then because he was counterculture. And that's why people love fucking. He was saying Eminem was Slim Shady rapping about killing his mom, rapping about. Goes. Women buy these drugs when was that Eminem. And saying shit you couldn't say. But back when conservatives ruled the world. That's exactly right. In the early 2000, the world was conservative not words liberal. Exactly. So what the stuff he says it just like everyone says there's no cause, no rappers. View shaped rap essentially it's yeah. I think Eminem never understood that people loved him because he was advocates of something. So that is shady love. Senator Eminem nowadays. Nowadays is not for me. I respect it, but it's not. You know, most of his. This Frisbee thing, I don't know. Yeah, this line was really good. It's funny. I would use it kind of. Intense those. Does this is a also a modern classic I would say cooking up dope with Ozzy when I'm on stage show me boobies. You know stage it it was when I'm on stage. So I love the philosophical attributes of the sentence. I think that's coming from a very deep place. Definitely doesn't live. In the person's. Mind. Must be true. It must be drink because it's so it's so deep, you know, it's very sad. Boy. Is Jake. No, that. Could be closer than. My bed. My bed. Cooking. I think they're actually they don't come after each other, but it's two lines from the same song cooking up without using that. I no I think that is. To using. Cooking though with it using that can I have a I'm so why is my brain fried. When. You when you're on the spot man you just blank. Right over the Uzi. That's the Migos. Yes. Okay. Well, I'm one station. We boom we bang fuck. By the booze. You the. Bedroom voice. Yes. Yeah. Ten, ten. Brain. So good that I graduated. Pretty simple. Pretty simple. I know. Give it a I'll give it a six. Seven. You are simple. I think it's smart but simple like. Hmm. And I have no idea what Migos again. Migos, I get the bag. Yeah, that was probably like Quavo with his supper. This I will be so surprised if you know this crab meat got my ass looking healthy crab meat. I know who this is. You know it is so sweet. Yes. And the reason. Why I know is because. So it is so we know she loves crab and. The bar is amazing. I don't. Know. To me is garbage. She said what crab meat. Got my ass looking healthy. Yeah, I don't know about that. Like, that's not really with your smart. I don't know when I heard it. Though I laughed so hard it was like this. Is a dead. I look. At what anyone says. Me is. A for because sweet you said it. And. The four points for the week not for. The book. Fair enough. I love I. Her she saw attack of. Gorgeous. Off to the lights I would gorgeous I would cut my left mouth. Off for these. That's from pretty free freestyle. Okay. She just want to tip. No advice. This is some advice. I know, I know. I heard this. She's on the tip. No advice. I don't know about the good. This is the problem, though, when you listen to artists like Rob Banks and you listen to his sexual lyrics, these start to sound. I need to listen to Rob Banks. Clearly, these. Start to sound like, you. Know. Okay, which are cool. So without my subjective ness, I guess, but my brain is. What is a white boy. Worth? As a white boy. She's wanted to have no advice. Whoa, boy, sell charcoal. There you go. Boom. Yeah, this is on. This is on. What's pepper? Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Okay. Okay, I'm going to hit you up with. With. To the two last ones. Let's go. This I just heard as recently as well. I'm curious if you know this guy. Fuck her like a dog, but you call me the goat. That's ten. Definitely. Okay, but you're like a dog. But she calls me the goat can. I don't know who it is though. It's from Mike. Got my commas shout out to. My you know non there's really. Good there's always music now. Okay and last one let's go. I just heard this maybe a week ago, buddy. Suck me up, then she clean up. I don't do dishes. When he of. Sucks me up and then cleans up. I don't do dishes I, I, I don't do dishes but I like is extra it doesn't make sense that a sentence I'm really deep. Dove and like as you should as you should. These are serious. Yes. Next level rap analysis that we're. Doing right now. The I don't like this one. It gave me nothing. No. If you were not going to like a dog. Causing you to go that. Yeah. Next, next to that one. It just pales in comparison. Yeah. This one is, is a 34 for me and I don't know who says my apologies. Who's like. It's I think it's Kevin really from Gucci foot presence. Yeah. I have. No idea. Yeah. I just, I just want us both about. Kevin. Who would. Show Kevin wrote about it, but I think for her, like a dog you call me to go with is the as the winner. Entertaining? You know, I think that's what I'm basing it on is if you can get a reaction out of me, then it's it's. I agree. Yes. Yes. All right, man, that was fun. We did. Thank you so much to over 2 hours, I think he. Went by like time goes by us and on that next set of. The you want to do with a slug anything where we go do what so like. Anything shut up to set up to your so everything you're doing. But I have to as well something really good common for future. Just keep at it keep fucking going Y'all interested in me, Eric fresco this Google it and it will come up. I'll put all the links to his Spotify has Instagram all that in the bio. And please don't listen to the top five songs that I made. Go listen to like an album or. Some listen to alter. Ego if you yes. His most recent album definitely alter ego. Of which you both. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. This one guy got you.

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